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Julia's Monkey exhibition label Narrative 1
Narrative: Lindsay’s print references Henry Fusel’s The Nightmare (1781) in which an incubus demon lies upon a woman trapped in sleep paralysis in order to have sexual intercourse with her. Lindsay has appropriated the subject matter and heightened the experience by making the woman aware and implicit of her actions. Tempting the monkey with a piece of fruit, the woman’s sexuality was at the centre of Lindsay’s vision ? a fact recognised by Playboy magazine, which reproduced the image in 1967. Lindsay’s aesthetic vision was based upon escapism, and the nightmare of the incubus has been reinterpreted for a far more erotic reading. The woman not only tempts the monkey through her offerings, but the exposed curve of her body also incites a pleasure within the intended masculine viewer.
von Westernhagen, Vanessa
Onrust, Milenne
Matheson, Tanya
Marriott, Vinaya
Bradley, Ellen
Student exhibition
Julia's Monkey