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Das Meerwunder (Glaucus and Scylla) exhibition label Narrative 1
Narrative: Das Meerwunder, by Albrecht Dürer depicts the main motifs in the Merovingian Dynasty myth, where the Queen, shown here in the foreground of the print, is captured by a sea-monster whilst bathing with her women. Despite the fact that the narrative of the tale suggests terror and heartache, the figure of the Queen is still depicted with an alluring element in order to appeal to the general public. The stance that she is being carried off in is very sensual and her demeanor seems to be very placid and calm. The sea monster too, has been sexualised, with attention paid also to his exaggerated physique. In Dürer’s print, the female is given a keen degree of sexuality in her distressed state, meaning that the attention is not on the action taking place, rather on the sensual and suggestive traces within both images.
Walker, Georgina
Dalgleish, Claire
Student exhibition
The sea monster