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Saxon Ship at Sutton Hoo exhibition label Narrative 1
Narrative: The subject of this print refers to the great archaeological discovery at Sutton Hoo of the Viking ceremonial boat buried under a mound of earth undisturbed for over 1,300 years. Whilst the timber body of the boat itself deteriorated over time, an imprint of its hull remained in the earth. Robins has captured the impression of the boat’s architecture in a manner not immediately apparent on first inspection. The cavernous imprint of the boat’s hull is rendered in line-work similar to the surrounding earth, almost rendering the form of the boat invisible. Furthermore, the dark shadows and detail of the trees along the ridge deceptively draws the viewer’s gaze away from the subject matter. Robins could not fail to appreciate the delightful metaphor presented by the imprint of the boat and the intaglio dry point technique he applied in this work.
Fung, Viona
McKean, Monica
Student exhibition
Saxon Ship at Sutton Hoo